Two weeks ago had the privilege of attending the 3rd annual Pennsylvania Education Summit hosted by the Pennsylvania Business-Education Partnership. It was an excellent day in Harrisburg as educators, business leaders, and elected officials gathered to discuss the future of education in Pennsylvania. Here our some photos and embedded tweets from the event.

.@pedroarivera2 “Good schools are the hub of great communities.” #PaEdSummit
— Anthony Barr (@AnthonyMBarr) June 11, 2015

“PA is the worst state in the country in education funding equity” @reproebuck #PaEdSummit — Ethan Demme (@EthanDemme) June 11, 2015
“The focus should be how, in a new economy, can we transform our schools to be competitive and are we doing it” @SenatorDinniman#PaEdSummit — Ethan Demme (@EthanDemme) June 11, 2015

Ron Cowell of @EPLC_education: We often overlook the importance of recruiting and supporting school board members. #paedsummit
— PSAP (@PhilaSchoolAdv) June 11, 2015

.@CatherineKummer from @NASCAR discussing STEM initiatives and connecting education and racing. #PaEdSummit — StudentsFirst in PA (@PAStudentsFirst) June 11, 2015

When students partner with industry to work on real work issues, they take ownership & are empowered to become future wk force. #PaEdSummit — ExcelinEd (@ExcelinEd) June 11, 2014
Visit the Pennsylvania Business-Education Partnership’s website for their latest news and be sure and stop by next year.