It’s summer time! And you know what that means: lot’s and lots of fun recreation and plenty of time for leisure. Your kids will no doubt be using all sorts of electronic gizmos and gadgets throughout the summer and it’s important that as they interact with the online world, that they do so in a safe and responsible manner. Here are three resources to help you guide your kids online activities this summer.
1. Mobicip, which offers resources for parents that provides parental controls for phones, tablets, and computers, has an article with tips for digital citizenship.:Â 10 Cyber-Safety Tips for the Summer. Here’s one of the tips from the list:
Spell out expectations. Talk to the kids and treat them like adults. Share your expectations on the use of internet and provide an environment of trust. The children must be aware of the dangers online; and must also realize the faith that you place on them. Children are less likely to stray online when parents have an open dialogue regarding internet use. Parents and kids can check out this youth pledge to understand mutual expectations on internet usage.
2. Over at Edutopia, is an article with tips organized neatly into the acronym REST which you can share with your kids:
- Remain cautious.
- Express positivity.
- Stay active. [exercise]
- Tell someone. [if you are, or you see someone being, cyberbullied.]
3. Mommy-blogger Kristen, who writes at http://wearethatfamily.com/ reminds her children that face-to-face conflict resolution is better than using social media. She writes:
Some things are better said face to face (like apologies or confrontations) | Social media makes it easier for us to be cowardly. We need to teach our kids the value of looking someone in the eye and making things right. Sure, it’s harder, but they won’t forget it.
You can read her whole post which has other great tips by clicking here.
For more tips, check out my four-part parental engagement on Digital Citizenship.