One of my favorite places to visit during my staycation is Caledonia State Park located between Chambersburg and Gettysburg in Pennsylvania. The furnace was owned by Thaddeus Stevens. Right before the battle at Gettysburg, a Confederate raid burned down the furnace. Stevens suffered devastating financial loss but continued to pay his employees and eventually rebuilt the ironworks. You can read more about that story here.
It can be fun and educational for you as a family is to discover when, why, and how your state was formed. You can also explore how your city or town was created and who were the first people to live where you do. Teaching your children the history surrounding the location where you live is helpful not only in providing them with geographic roots but also in inspiring them to care for and cultivate their community by being active and involved locally.
Sometimes a two-hour trip to a national state park can be just as meaningful and fun as an exotic trip abroad. As you prepare for your summer, consider planning a staycation! You never know what exciting adventures lie just around the corner.
And if you’re looking for some summer fun that’s also educational, check out our new KinderTown summer camp: