Technology. I use it everyday, all throughout the day. Smartphone? Check. Laptop? Check. Work desktop? Check. As a CEO, I use technology to stay on top of trends in the industry and to stay updated about the operations of my company through email. Oh, and then there’s Facebook and Twitter…and LinkedIn and Tumblr.
With all that technology and social media, sometimes it seems I spend more time looking at a screen than at the clouds in the sky or the faces of family and friends. I’ve decided to participate in the National Day of Unplugging, March 6-7.
From sundown to sundown – a 24 hour period – starting on the first Friday of March, I pledge to completely unplug. During this technology-free period, I will be spending time with my family.
If you are concerned with how much screen-time dominates your day, I invite you to join me in unplugging. “Sign the Unplug pledge and start living a different life: connect with the people in your street, neighborhood and city, have an uninterrupted meal or read a book to your child.”
Click here to learn more about National Day of Unplugging and sign up to participate!
Click here to read my blog post on modeling good digital citizenship.